The black hole 

Perhaps one can translate "Yechida" of the soul as "singularity", the same word used to describe a black hole. The concept of a black hole might be applied allegorically in the following way.

There is an idea of a light that is so high that it is above the purpose of shining outward. Rather, it is something essentially bright, an "ohr atzmi".

There's another idea of a place that is so high that it is considered dark, as no revelation from such a level can be grasped at all. In the process of creation the idea is referenced by the verse ישת חושך סתרו - he surrounds himself with darkness. A place that is essentially hidden and not even findable, a "choshech atzmi".

(Expansiveness as merchav ha'atzmi- to expand on elsewhere...)

There is a concept of "seder zmanim", the "order" of times that is described before creation. The process of creation of time as a gradation from potential to actual time, where in the world of Yetzira, for example, the entire year is contained in the space of a day, (as is known the story of the letter of the Besht z"l to R' Gershon Kitover about the elevation of his soul on Rosh Hashana. See Derech Mitzvohsecha, near the end Hamanas Ha'E-lokus). This warping of space time is comparable to the warping of space time near a black hole.


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