It says of king Yehoshophat, "vayigba libo be'darchei Hashem" - "his heart felt pride in the ways of Hashem", our sages said of this that a Torah scholar must have an 1/8 of an 1/8 of pride, David achieved an even higher mida, stating, "ve'lo gavah libi" - "my heart did not feel haughtiness (at all). This correlates with the state of nullification that Moshiach will achieve. 

Nevi'im other than Moshe would collapse upon receiving their Nevuah, while Moshe was able to bodily stand while this occurred. The reason for this the state of nullification his body was already in. Moshiach, however will achieve even higher, avoiding not only collapse of the body but even internal collapse of the soul (this is, perhaps, according to those opinions that the Nevuah of Moshiach is higher than Moshe's).

Mittler Rebbe, Perush Hamilos 147


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