The two Temples are compared to two rivers, our sages said ״the river will be desolate and dry, "desolate" by the first temple and dried up by the second temple.
As there is the river of the higher garden of Eden and the lower garden of Eden. 

However, the river that waters the garden, descends from its the spring in Eden.

To atone for this we say, עיני עיני יורדה מים, "my eyes, my eyes, bring down water", each "eye" עין, is from from the language of "spring" מעיין. This corresponds with how by the third temple it states, "a 'spring' will flow forth from the house of Hashem" and we will come there with tears (of joy), בבכי יבואו and "flow" there (with mercies) of supplication, אוליכם אל-נחלי מים, I will bring them to the streams of water..."

Ohr Hatorah Bocho Tivkeh


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