The Tzemach Tzedek explains how the two opinions of the Magid of Mezrich and the Alter Rebbe fit together. 

 On the statement, "אין עומדין להתפלל אלא מתוך כובד ראש" "we only pray with the a heavy head" the Magid explains that you shouldn't concentrate on your needs during prayer, rather, only as they are part of the needs of "the head" namely, the divine presence, the Shechina.

On the other hand, the Alter Rebbe explains that the "head" here refers to Yisrael, who are made of the two words, "לי ראש" and the "heaviness" of the head refers to our sins, "כי עונותי עברו ראשי".

The truth is, however, that when you lift up the head of Yisrael below "כי תשא את ראש בני ישראל״, it lifts up the "head," so to speak, of the Shechina above.

With this he explains the verse in Yishaya, "וישח אדם וישפל איש ואל תשא", the lowering of man below is Adam and the lowering of the the honor of the divine presence is "Ish", "Hashem Ish Milchama" - Hashem is a "man" of battle. So the lowering of one affects the the other, so "al tisa lahem", they are not lifted up. 

So, since they are connected in this way, through the lifting up of Yisrael below you lift  up above Hashem above.

Ohr Hatorah second Ki Tisa


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