The feminine tense of each masculine term for a supernal aspect is the מלכות that receives from that aspect. Thus, חסיד - חסידה,  צדיק - צדקה, אמת - אמונה.

The feminine of מדת התפארת - אמת is actually אמן, with a ׳ן׳ instead of a ׳ת׳. The ת connotes the idea of תפארת as it receives from above while the ן refers to the downward flow from מלכות. The union of the two is found in the word אמונה, as its composed of אמן and ו״ה. The ו״ה are the תפארת and מלכות as they are united while the נ becomes כפופה since it is a state of union, receiving from תפארת above and not flowing downward as the ן פשוטה.

שערי גן עדן דף 109


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