The korban olah and biur chametz.

Our sages compare the korban olah to the malach of Eisav who goes up the ladder in Yakov's dream. 

However, Hashem says of Eisav, "if you rise up like an eagle, from there I'll bring you down." 

So, rather, Edom is burnt on the fire of the mizbeach completely. This is why "nichnas imo gehinom", the smell of gehinom accompanied him when he went in to Yakov for the blessing. So "al mokda" refers to the fires of gehinom referred to as "mokdei olam".

This is also the concept of biur chametz, burning up the klippas and haughtiness that Eisav represents. 

At the same time the fire of the olah and the ramp of the mizbeach represents the "sulam", the ladder of prayer. Thus, "ule'om mele'om ye'amatz. Ke'she'ze kam ze nofel" the two nations are juxtaposed, one rises with the others descent.

-Ohr Hatorah Shmini ...Hi Ha'olah Al Mokdah


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