According to the Kli Yakar the reason the mishkan was completed on the eighth day was that it corresponds to gematria "az" of "az yashir Moshe".

We can further say that this corresponds to bringing the Shechina back down to the earth. (As is known that the Shechina went up to the seventh heaven and was brought back down by the Avos, Amram etc until Moshe brought it back down with the building of the Mishkan). 

Just as the letter 'ches', gematria 8, of the word echad in Shema refers to the bringing the divine presence of the 'aleph' into the "7 heavens and the earth", together 8, so to the alef of "az (yashir)" is the divine presence upon the 7. "Konen shamayim betvunah"-the "Divine understanding that established the heavens " etc.

-Tzemach Tzedek Ohr Hatorah, Bayom Hashmini


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