When Shimon killed 24,000 in Shchem, the portion of Yossef, who guarded the bris, over matters of the bris, the rape of Dina, "vayishkav osa". 
For this, 24,000 perished as a tikun followed by the death of the prince of Shimon, Zimri, when he did not guard the bris. Killed by the hands of Pinchas, who came from Yossef, "she'pitpet be'yotzro", who overcame his lustful inclination and would not, "lishkav etzla".
When Reuven, switched his father's bed for the honor of Leah, "vayishkav es Bilhaa" it is considered as if he lay with Bilhaa, a pegam of bris and rebellion against the ideals of Yossef and his mother. "Yael" who corresponds with "Leah" (also phonetically) fixed this by sleeping with Sisra 7 times in order to kill him. "Great is a sin for the sake of heaven" that from the third time, corresponding to the word "shachav" Rabi Akiva was descended, "mbnei banav shel Sisra".
Akiva, the son of Yossef was a Tikun for this and lost 24,000 students.
-Megaleh Amukos Ofan 88


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