The roaring of the lion is compared to our reading "Shma Yisrael" and the great voice of proclamation at har Sinai "Anochi Hashem Elokecha". 

That is because, aside from the lion representing fear, אריה גימט׳ יראה, as well as kindness, רי״ו אותיות דשם ע״ב גימט׳ חסד, the lion also represents Keser and the Beis Hamikdosh, "the lion will come in the sign of leo and build the lion (shaped Temple).

This juxtaposed to Nevuchadnetzar, the "lion" who destroyed the lion/temple under constellation Leo. He is the Keser - crown of Klipa, אנת הוא רישא דדהבה, "you are the golden head" of the statue, as Daniel describes to him of his dream. 

About this flipping of opposites it's written, "ve'hofachti evlam lesason" I will change their mourning to rejoicing.

Ohr Hatorah Bocho Tivkeh


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