Connecting 15th of Av marriages and parshas Va'eschanan.

"Va'eschanan is gematria "Chasan kallah" (with the two kollels). Also gematria "chesed ve'emes" - kindness and truth, since "chesed ve'emes nifgashu", kindness and truth unite like a bride and groom. 
"Ata hachilosa le'haros" - "you have begun to show me" is rashei tevos, "ohel", the "tent", which is the concept of Moshe's bride, "kallas' Moshe" (nidrash fom "be'yom kalos Moshe le'hakim es ha'mishkan" so when it says "u'Moshe yikach es ha'ohel" it is a language of taking a wife, "lekuchin", "ki yikash ish isha").
-Megale Amukos 96


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