Yirmia was the gilgul of Shlomo Hamelech who was the gilgul of Moshe. This is the 28 times of Koheles, 14 for good in the times of Shlomo when the temple was built and 14 for bad in the times of Yirmia, when it was destroyed. Thus Moshe says "at that time", the time of Shlomo, "you showed me your greatness", "godlecha", for "yad hagedola", the right hand of kindness, "yad" gematria 14 (times for good). "And your strong "yad" for the 14 times for bad of Yirmia, as he said, "yahafoch yado", "you will turn your hand". Thus, Moshe concludes his prayer with his wish to see Har Hamoria and the Beis Hamikdash.

Le'Moshe is the same letters as Shlomo and so the 60 strong surrounding his bed were masculine while the 60 surrounding Shlomo were feminine. (Perhaps this hints to how Shlomo married queen Sheba and had protection for her amazon soldiers "ama'zonas".)
-Megale Amukos Ofan 86


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