"Chacham adif minavi"- "a sage is better than a prophet" as the level of Moshe.

As apposed the explanation of this statement in Tanya kadisha, (that, while Moshe Rebbenu, as the greatest navi, "saw" the essence of the levels that were revealed to him, a chacham, a sage such as the Ari z"l, was able to explain concepts In Atik and Arich, beyond the level of a navi's vision) the Mittler Rebbe brings an explanation that turns this on its head a bit.

"Chacham adif minavi" can instead refer to a higher clarity of vision, the higher level of nevuah of Moshe in comparison to the other Nevi'im. While the other Nevi'im also had "hasagas hamehus" - "a grasping of the essence of concept" of their vision, Moshe also had the mayla, the greatness of "re'ias hachochma," a deeper level of seeing the essence, on the level of wisdom - an even clearer vision - a glimmer of atik in aba (the same level that the Ari z"l had "yedias hamezti'es" - knowledge of its existence in Tanya).

Mittler Rebbe, Perush Hamilos 42


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