Can our holiness match divine holiness?

We are commanded "You shall be holy" but Hashem's holiness is higher than ours.

During the blessing on the moon we say, "I dance, just as you dance," "kenegdeich." Just as we grasp a higher spiritual level through our "dance" so too, the divine levels dance upward as well and a new level emerges for us to strive towards.

As Yakov Avinu states, that, upon his return back up to the land if Israel and to his father, the name "Havaya will become for him an E-lokim." 
Similarly, in the time to come will will say, "this is our E-lokeinu, it is the (selfsame name of) Havaya that we have been striving toward."

A parallel statement, "my (divine) greatness is greater than your greatness." Even though, concerning Israel it states, "who is a great nation like them, "mi goy gadol" since our actions and Torah study are called "great": "Talmud gadol" and "mayseh gadol." Nonetheless, it states, "only the throne will remain greater than you" that, we, as "the flock of Yossef" and in the likeness of Yossef who was righteous amongst the nations, are told that the divine throne remains a higher state beyond.

From Ohr Hatorah Kedoshim 


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